Hi gang,

I came home from work today, turned on my ancient laptop and … nothing happened. Seems I’ve had a visit from the dread hard drive crash elf. I’m back up and running with the old hard drive I replaced almost a year ago, but I just don’t trust my hardware anymore. You may remember I’ve been talking about getting a Mac soon to replace my 7 year old Dell laptop. Well, it looks like I have to do it right soon.

OSS will now go on an official short break. I’ve been distracted the last month or so with my layoff and challenging new contract job. I was just about to start up regular production again. As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, “It’s always something”. I’ll use these next couple weeks to build back up and come back strong once I have a reliable piece of hardware again. In the meantime, I’m putting out a call for guest strips. All submissions will be accepted. Hell, ANY submissions will be accepted.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned.
