Hi Gang,

If you’ve been paying attention (and why would you, really?), you’ll remember that I landed a contract web design gig right after my latest layoff. I’ve been averaging one every three years or so. My last two job hunts lasted six and three months, so I’m feeling lucky this time around. I’m just keeping my head above water at my new job since I don’t have a big web-dev background. My new masters are being very patient and kind to me.

My last official act with my previous employer was signing my termination paperwork. If you’ve ever been laid off, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the paperwork that states you and your employer both “agree” to this separation, and that you can’t sue them, or divulge company secrets, and that you can’t say anything bad about your former employer, and that if you don’t “agree” to all the conditions in the document you won’t get your severance payment. I did notice that there was nothing in the document that states they can’t say anything bad about me. I don’t know if my former employer is spreading rumors about me but you never know.

And the struggle continues…